Who can make a referralIndividuals can be referred to us by third parties, such as case managers, medical professionals, allied health professionals, insurers and solicitors. Self-referrals can also be made.
Plans for assessment and rehabilitation/therapy will always be discussed with the individual and/or the referrer before they are initiated. If we are aware of alternative appropriate services (including NHS services) available to the individual and/or the referrer, this information will always be provided in advance. Consulting RoomsConsulting rooms are available around Greater Manchester, and are generally used where possible for assessment and rehabilitation/therapy. Where individuals are based in residential units, assessment visits are carried out to such locations, where appropriate and required.
Neuropsychological Reports
Neuropsychological and psychological reports are produced for referrers within several weeks of a person being assessed, within which relevant recommendations for rehabilitation and therapy are documented. We are keen to promote multi-disciplinary team working where possible and appropriate in accordance with best practice. This involves liaison with other professionals when considering assessment or intervention, and communication with an individual's General Practitioner.
Terms and ConditionsAfter a referral has been discussed with a member of the team, referrers will be provided with a copy of our terms and conditions, which outlines the details of the assessment and rehabilitation/therapy process, in addition to fees and cancellation charges.